Watch your savings grow with every Debit card purchase. You’ll Save. You’ll Love it!
With Metairie Bank’s Smart Savings with Rewards* program, we’ll automatically transfer $1 from your checking account to your savings account each time you use your Metairie Bank Debit Card. It’s easy… Every time you swipe, you save.
We’ll even help grow your savings with every Debit card purchase each month. We’ll Reward you by depositing into your savings account $0.50 for each Debit card purchase you make with your Metairie Bank Debit card. The maximum total Rewards is $50.
Interested? Let’s find a checking and savings account that’s right for you.
Contact a Metairie Bank representative at 504.834.6330 to find out how you can activate the Smart Savings Program on your account.
*Smart Savings with Rewards Terms and Conditions:
ATM withdrawals made with your Metairie Bank ATM or Debit cards are not eligible for Smart Savings transfers or Rewards. Any account owner may enroll your checking account for Smart Savings. Upon enrollment, each day we will transfer $1 for each POS Debit card purchase from your checking to your savings. Each month, we’ll deposit into your savings account $0.50 for each Debit card purchase you make with your Metairie Bank Debit card. Rewards start to accrue on the day of enrollment. The maximum Reward is $50. Reward funds are paid each month to the linked savings account when the checking account cycles. Funds are only paid to accounts that are open at the time of the checking account cycle date. Metairie Bank will only Reward for Smart Savings transfers on up to three checking accounts. Smart Savings Transfers are per account, not per Debit card attached to the account. Eligible savings accounts include Statement Savings, Metairie Gold Savings, Metairie Gold Plus Savings and Gold Money Market accounts. Any owner of an account may cancel this service at any time by notifying us in writing. The service will be discontinued within 5 business days from the day of notification. Accrued Rewards will be forfeited if Smart Savings is discontinued by customer. We may cancel or modify the Smart Savings service or any Rewards promotions at any time. Rewards funds will be reported to the IRS on form 1099. Fees may reduce earnings.